An official website of the International Police Academy - Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)
UNPOL International University - The United States

Our International Police Organization Academy recognizes the immense value that military service members bring to the law enforcement profession. As such, we offer a specialized Military Membership option that is tailored to meet the unique needs and expertise of current and former military personnel.
To qualify for Military Membership, individuals must have completed basic military training, including proficiency in areas such as weapons handling, navigation, and survival techniques. This training provides a solid foundation for law enforcement work and is highly transferable to a civilian policing environment.
At our academy, we recognize that military members have extensive experience working in high-pressure, fast-paced environments, and we seek to capitalize on that experience by providing advanced training opportunities. Military members can participate in courses that emphasize tactical skills and weapons handling, allowing them to apply their military expertise in a law enforcement context. Additionally, we offer courses in leadership and management, preparing military members to transition into leadership roles within law enforcement agencies.
Our Military Membership option provides a unique opportunity for service members to continue their public service careers in law enforcement. By joining our organization, members can contribute to the collective mission of promoting public safety and advancing the law enforcement profession. We welcome all current and former military service members with an interest in law enforcement to explore our Military Membership option and join our academy.
Potential benefits of Military Membership at our International Police Organization Academy:
Specialized training: Military members bring a unique set of skills and experiences to law enforcement, and our academy recognizes the value of that expertise. As such, we offer specialized training courses that build upon military training, emphasizing tactical skills and weapons handling.
Leadership opportunities: Military members have extensive experience working in high-pressure environments and often have strong leadership skills. Our academy offers courses in leadership and management, preparing military members to transition into leadership roles within law enforcement agencies.
Transferable skills: The skills and knowledge gained through military service are highly transferable to law enforcement work. Military members bring a level of discipline, adaptability, and strategic thinking to law enforcement that is highly valued by agencies.
Networking opportunities: Membership at our academy provides military members with access to a global network of law enforcement professionals, military personnel, and civilians with a shared passion for promoting public safety. Members can connect with like-minded individuals and build relationships that can be invaluable in their professional careers.
Continued public service: Military service is often driven by a desire to serve one's country, and our academy provides military members with an opportunity to continue that service in a law enforcement context. By joining our organization, military members can contribute to the collective mission of promoting public safety and advancing the law enforcement profession.